Jenn Hallak

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13-15 Weeks Pregnancy Update | Gender Reveal and 4D Ultrasound

Well this photo is from 13 weeks (look at the cute little 13 week pregnant belly) but I’m officially 15 weeks pregnant as of last Thursday… so almost 16 weeks now that I think about it!

We’re the the second trimester already which is crazy, the nauseous is [almost] nonexistent but sneaks up on me occasionally when baby boy doesn’t like certain foods and oh yeah, in case you missed it, we’re having a BABY BOY!!

Here’s the gender reveal video if you missed it (poor Ava at the end broke my mama heart!):

For the last two pregnancies, I let my husband find out the gender first. I feel like moms get all the fun, they’re in the know first, the parties and the congrats during pregnancy so I wanted him to have some some fun too! Last time around, he didn’t know I was doing it and my doctor called him at work out of the blue! And this this, I just handed the phone over to him when my doctor called. So it was fun - got to plan gender reveals for me 2 years in a row! And for Ava, we found out together on the spot at our 14 week ultrasound!

Since I last posted a bumpdate we had our 4D anatomy scan which was absolutely amazing. Unfortunately Frank and the kids weren’t allowed to come because of COVID but the doctor sent me all of the videos and photos they took before I even left the office so as soon as I got home, I played them all on our living room TV and explained everything the doctor had explained to me - so that was super special. And now we have so many videos and photos of baby boy at 12 weeks!

My next appointment with my regular OB is in a couple weeks and then I got back for another anatomy scan with the specialist at 20 weeks. And those are always appointments I look forward to!

This time around, I am definitely growing my bump far slower than with the others. If you want to see a comparison or read my bumpdates from my pregnancies with Ava and Franky, just click the images to see!

That’s all for now, folks. Can’t wait when I get to see my little man again!