Jenn Hallak

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16 Stocking Stuffers for Moms [that you'll actually want + use!]

I feel like stocking stuffers usually tend to be useless gadgets and gizmos but opening up our stockings was always such a huge highlight of Christmas morning for me as a kid. You get all of your gifts open, the excitement of the last gift is over with and then BOOM - you remember that you have an entire stocking full of gifts to open and the excitement fills you up all over again.

Or is that just me?

Whatever it is, stocking stuffers are a tradition I will never ever skimp out on. Ever. So I really try to focus on putting little gifts in there that are actually useful. Of course I will be putting together a kids stocking stuffer gift guide in the weeks to come but today, I’m focusing on moms. So if you’re a mom and your shopping for stocking stuffers for yourself or you need some fab ideas to send your husband’s way, I’ve got a round up of 16 stocking stuffers for moms that you’ll actually use and actually want. [Pssst…they’re all on Amazon too #momwin]

You’re welcome.

If there’s anything on this list that you want,
just click the image and it will take you right to the Amazon listing!
Christmas shopping made easy, for ya!

1. Patchology

I can say myself that these little under-eye patches are glorious. As a mom, we often wake up tired or even exhausted but putting these on for just five minutes in the morning lightens and brightens my eyes and makes me feel like a million bucks!

2. Clear Magic Lipstick

I’ve got this one in my purse too and it’s my favorite! I love wearing lip gloss and lipstick but sometimes, I just need to run out the door and want to keep a more natural lip to go along with my non-makeup wearing face. And this stuff is perfection! It’s clear but brings out your natural lip color while also soothing like chapstick. Pretty cool, huh? Basically magic.

3. Gel Nail Polish

I’m a gel nail polish fanatic. With dishes and cleaning and taking care of kids, regular nail polish just doesn’t do the trick. I mean, has your nail polish ever lasted more than 48 hours? Gel nail polish lasts weeks and it’s my favorite mom hack! And yep, you can do it right from home!

4. Fun Animal Tea Infusers

I’m not a tea drinker myself but if I was, these little buddies would make me so happy as I sipped on my morning tea. I mean, aren’t they just adorable?

5. Hedgehog Dryer Balls

Did someone say laundry? Yep, about 34 loads a week is typical in a mom’s world. Am I right or am I right? But hey, maybe these little hedgehog dryer balls can bring a little smile to us with each load? I sure think they would!

6. Pretty Coasters

From coffee in the morning to wine (or jack and coke for me!) at night, I don’t know what it is about coasters but I could buy them as often as I buy new pillows for our living room. They’re just so pretty and I assume, I’m not the only one who thinks so ;)

7. Mincer

Let me just say that this little thing has changed my LIFE. I cannot stand chopping onions or mincing garlic with a knife so this little device that we’ve had in our kitchen for years rocks my world! Chop or mince in seconds and you feel like super woman in a matter of seconds! I promise it will change your life.

8. Funny Mom Wine Stoppers

I’m not a huge wine drinker but I swear, wine is the drink of choice for most moms. And aren’t these just so fun? And you’d better bet you’ll get some great use out of ‘em!

9. Fun Hair Ties

Whether we’re doing the dishes, preventing spit up from getting into our hair or just rockin’ that mom bun, every mom could always use some extra hair ties and these are just so much fun! I’ve never tried those coil ones on the right but they’re life-changing, so I’ve heard! I may need to snag some and try them out for myself!

10. Bath Bombs

Bath bombs are all the rage right now and yep, those chocolates on the right are actually bath bombs. So pretty, huh? I’m not a huge bath person but if you want to give your wife a good hour of relaxation, take over kid-duties and let her just relax in there for a bit.

11. Lace Face Mask

Every mom could use some pampering, even while she’s at home. So this pretty lace face mask is the perfect at-home pampering option for the busy mom who can’t get out of the house. Because we all deserve a fun little pampering sesh ;)

12. Fun Chocolates

These aren’t just any chocolates — They’re fun little chocolates with funny little sayings on them to boost your mood. But if you’re anything like me, they’ll all be devoured before Christmas morning is even over. Oops?

13. Coffee Pods

Snag a pack of coffee pods and what better stocking stuffer for moms can you think of? They’re little, they’re useful and she will love them 100%… if she loves coffee, that is. But I think they even make them for tea so there’s that!

14. Essential Oils

I STILL have not jumped on the essential oil bandwagon and I’m fairly positive I’m the last mom on Earth who doesn’t own any. So these are such a brilliant stocking stuffer idea, whether that mom in your life has tried them before or not! I may just need to add these to my list this year to see what all the rage is about!

15. Pocket-Size Reusable Bag

I’m that person that forgets my reusable grocery bags pretty much every single time I go to the store. So these are perfection for forgetful moms like me! Whether it’s for Target runs or groceries, this reusable grocery bag folds into the palm of your hand so you can keep it in your purse, your glove compartment, or wherever you’ll remember it. And ummm, isn’t that print just adorable? They’ve got so many other cute prints on the Amazon listing too so click the images to take a browse!

16. Moisturizing Socks

Socks or slippers are always a good idea. They’re cozy and they’re cute and hey, these ones even moisturize while you’re at it! So basically, they’re magical mom socks that I want on my feet stat.

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