Jenn Hallak

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18 Week Baby Bump Update [Pregnancy #3]

Better late than never, right? (oops)

Welp, these photos were taken at 18 weeks pregnant (look at that cute little 18 week bump) and I am now 22 weeks pregnant but of course, I had to document them on here to look back at. Not too much has changed this the last update but we did get to see our sweet little man’s face so that’s always the best! We can see and feel those kicks from the outside (just got them recorded today for the first time on video!) so now I’m so thankful that I’m at ease every evening when I lay down on the couch and feel Hayes wake up and start playing around in there!

As always, we’re getting more and more excited to meet you every day, little man. We’re more than half way there!!

But anyhow, here’s my pregnant belly (and Franky loving on his little brother) at 18 weeks pregnant!