Jenn Hallak

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19 Week Ultrasound Anatomy Scan + Baby Bump

I don’t blog much about this pregnancy (some of the other kids I blogged every single week!) so figured I’d add a couple thoughts and photos of my 19 week baby belly for memories’ sake.

Yesterday we had our anatomy scan and it went well! Everything is looking perfect so far — the brain, the heart, all of those internal organs are in the right place and best of all, I got to see some of he sweetest shots of his cute little face! If you’ve ever wondered what a 19 week old baby in pregnancy looks like, here you have it. She said it’s rare that she gets a face shot this good at such an early age so I was pretty happy about that!

19 Week Ultrasound

This little guy (yes, still unnamed) has been kicking so much lately — I was able to feel him super early because I have a posterior placenta and Frank was able to feel his kicks twice this week too :) I’ve been feeling no nausea for the past month of so (thank goodness!) but every couple days I feel absolutely exhausted — not sure if that’s the pregnancy or just mom life. But either way, I am so happy to not be feeling sick all day long.

Other than that, I’ve really got no other pregnancy updates except for a look at my 19 week baby bump:

[ Our mommy and me dresses - which would make the perfect Mother’s Day dress - are from Ivy City Co. ]