Jenn Hallak

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Week 17 // Belly Pics

This week was pretty uneventful but I did receive my maternity clothes (the winter ones I ordered last week) and I love them! I am going to give a little shout out to Pink Blush Maternity because everything I have ordered is 1) absolutely adorable, 2) inexpensive and 3) I can wear them during maternity and even after because of how they are made! And I love that! It makes me feel so much better spending money on clothes that I will love wearing after the baby comes too :)

My belly barely looks bigger this week but Baby Ava is 5 inches and is growing her beautiful eyelashes this week! Take a peek at our little onion :)

(I am not sure our first born, Baxter, is too happy with all of this :/) But here I am at 17 weeks pregnant!

17 Weeks Pregnant Baby Bump