Jenn Hallak

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Baby Names Begin

Oh baby names. I knew this time would come when I found a TON of names I loved and he hated every single one of them. Expected though!

I know it may be a little early to start naming Baby H, but we just couldn’t resist. And of course, I just can’t get myself to do any work today! So baby names it is!

If we have a boy, he will be Frank Edward Hallk III so that’s easy. The tough part is finding a girl name we both like!

For some reason, every single name reminds one of us of someone else (that we don’t like) or just someone close to us that has that name. It’s hard!!

Here are some of the giggles we got out of our first baby name discussion:

No matter how much he makes fun of all of the names I choose (and LOVE), I just can’t wipe that smile off my face!