Jenn Hallak

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Pregnancy Friendly // Omelet Recipe

Written with love, by Sarah-Elizabeth Stone

There are those mornings where the weekend can’t come faster. You lay in bed talking yourself into getting up, exhaustion weighing on your shoulders. Days become a little longer, and while this is an amazingly exciting time for everyone, you especially, sometimes a girl could use an extra half hour in bed!

The first couple of months will find you particularly fatigued as you adjust. It becomes really important in this time period to eat full, balanced meals to keep your energy up and get you through the day. One of my favourite ways to start the day is my husband’s amazing omelet recipe. Its packed full of healthy, fresh ingredients and lots of protein!



·         ½ cup of mushrooms

·         ½ cup of red peppers

·         ½ cup of asparagus

·         ½ cup of onion

·         ¼ cup of chopped spinach

·         8 eggs

·         1 cup of cheese



1.       Chop up mushrooms, red peppers, asparagus and onion, place in a large mixing bowl

2.       Crack 8 eggs in a separate bowl and whisk well

3.       Pour eggs into vegetable mixture, mix well

4.       Grate, or add cheese

5.       On medium heat, spray down a frying pan and use a ladle to measure out omelet mixture

6.       After roughly 2 minutes or when the omelet begins to bubble flip ½ over the other, and press down with a spatula

7.       After another minute, or when the omelet begins to hold, flip the entirety over onto the other side

8.       Let cook for another 2-4 minutes

**Please consult with your doctor before eating these foods to ensure the safety of yourself and your baby