Jenn Hallak

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Pregnancy Friendly Recipes // Homemade Buttermilk Pancakes

Written with love, by Sarah-Elizabeth Stone

There are two little lines on the stick in front of you. Your heart stops, the world around you stops and you’re not exactly sure if you want to throw up (again), or jump up for joy. Remember the first time you thought about children? I used to lay in bed as a young girl and dream up a big, bright future with 7 kids on a farm, living off the land. Realistic? Not really, but I never gave up on the dream of a family. 

I bet you’ve already done a month’s worth of research and can tell me exactly what stage you’re at in the pregnancy. You’re also aware you’ve got to add (roughly) 300 calories into your diet, and are looking at gaining about ½ lbs – 1 lbs per week (give or take your BMI). You know that your food should be healthy, nutritious, and packed full of all the correct servings. And there are a lot of servings to try and cram in throughout a 24 hour period. Maybe that’s why there are cravings! Welcome to eating right for two now!

The most important meal of the day is breakfast; it keeps you going, energized and staves off that nausea!



·         1 ¼ cup of whole wheat flour

·         ½ cup of all-purpose white flour

·         1 tsb of baking powder

·         1 tsp of baking soda

·         ½ cup of honey

·         1 tsp of cinnamon

·         2 large eggs

·         1 tsp of vanilla

·         1 ¾ cup of buttermilk

·         ¼ cup of milk


1.       In one bowl mix all of the dry ingredients together, and in separate bowl mix the wet ingredients well

2.       Pour the wet ingredients into the dry, and whisk well until the batter is creamy textured

3.       On medium heat, spray the frying pan with non-stick and wait for 3 minutes for the pan to evenly heat.

4.       Using a ladle, pour a spoonful of batter onto the middle of the frying pan, let heat for 2-4 minutes, or until bubbles begin to sit on the batter, then flip

For this recipe I’ve added in fruit as toppings including fried apples, a quick and easy way to add in vitamins into the meal!

1.       Slice up apples and sprinkle on some cinnamon to taste

2.       In a frying pan over low – medium heat add in 2 tbs of butter (or canola oil)

3.       Cook apples for roughly 15 minutes, or until they become soft

**Please check with your doctor before eating any items that may be in question.