Jenn Hallak

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27 Weeks Pregnant Baby Bump

I am officially 27 weeks pregnant (as of yesterday) and you know what that means?

Glucose test.

I know, bummer right?? I honestly don’t mind the drink itself. Yes it’s incredible sweet and it doesn’t taste good but I’m more worries about that fact that I can’t eat anything the morning of my glucose test tomorrow and their earliest appointment was at 10:45 am :( By that time, I’ll for sure be feeling light headed with o food in my belly so I’m seriously worried about it. But I plan to pack lots of snacks for right after and really just hope for the best!

I’ve never had gestational diabetes before (but did fail the one hour once before and have to take the 3 hour which was horrible) but every single time I’m diagnosed with anemia. The second I deliver, I’m no longer anemic which is so strange to me (and kind of crazy if you think about it) but I’ve got those iron tablets ready to go because that’s the result I’m expecting to get tomorrow.

Anyways, wish me luck on that glucose test tomorrow because I am incredibly fearful of needles and really really really don’t want to faint. I won’t, but it’s still the worst feeling.

But anyways, here’s my 27 weeks pregnant baby bump and it’s looking like I’ll deliver any day now hah! I compared this bump to my 27 weeks pregnant bump with Hayes and I swear it’s twice the size this time (although I was tiny with Hayes) but I guess that’s what happens when you’re having your fourth baby ;)

27 Weeks Pregnant Baby Bump