Jenn Hallak

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28 Weeks Pregnant Belly | Funny Pregnancy Shirt of the Week

Soooo I’ve been slacking. I took these photos last week, never got them posted and here I am at 28 weeks pregnant and missing out on two bumpdates. I guess that’s my start at mom life of two?

Anyhow, nothing much new happened this week — I’m just waddling around and trying to understand how my belly is possibly going to stretch any further, attempting to sleep at night with this terrible, miserable upper right quadrant pain that my doctor swears is my organs getting squished (fun stuff, huh?) and we’ve got the nursery all designed this week too! Well, we’ve got the design down — now we just need to order everything and get it all set up so that’s our project for January which I cannot WAIT for.

I’m officially in the third trimester which means I get to go in for OB appointments every two weeks now, I’ve already chatted with my doctor about my birth plan (give me an epidural and get the baby out safely however you feel is best) and I’m headed to the hospital tomorrow to pre-register for delivery. Gahhh I just got the chills typing that out — I cannot freaking WAIT to meet this little man, I could cry with happiness.

I’m soaking in these last couple of months with Ava as much as I can and enjoying my bump as much as possible, despite this constant pain I’m in. But I know that every single ache and pain and tear will be well worth it in the end :)

So here it is, our pregnancy shirt of the week
from Little Mama Shirt Shop!
You can shop (or browse the shop) at the button link below!

And if you want to see any other past bumpdates or pregnancy tees,
scroll to the bottom of this post and I’ve got them all linked down there too!

Past Pregnancy Shirts of the Week + Bumpdates