Jenn Hallak

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Bumpdate | 34 Weeks Pregnant

Here we are at 34 weeks pregnant and I seriously cannot believe it. Every week that goes by I say it time and time again but this pregnancy has gone so much faster than the other two and Hayes will be in my arms in no time!

So far, this pregnancy has been so incredibly smooth — it’s identical to my pregnancy with Ava. Besides gaining weight and a big belly, I don’t even feel pregnant! …until this week, that is. I’ve got the worst soreness in my groin and you guys, I can’t walk without waddling (which is pretty funny, actually). It’s not like a pain, just a soreness so thank goodness it’s not worse because so many of you have said it was just terrible AND earlier in pregnancy. So still, I feel lucky even though I’ll be waddling my way around life for the next 6 weeks.

But enough of that and on to the photos because of course, we’re here for that belly update. And more likely, you’re here for the family bumpdate photos ;)