Jenn Hallak

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35 Weeks Pregnant

I’m now 35 weeks pregnant (as of yesterday!) and at this point I can 100% say that I am READY! Baby boy doesn’t have a name and gosh darn that’s stressing me out but I’m so ready for him to be here and in my arms. But this pregnancy has been so different…

At this point in my other pregnancies, I’ve been like SO DONE - like done in a way that I’m beyond anxious to get my baby out of there, questioning every single ache and flicker. But this time around, I’m so much more at peace with riding it out until the end. We know there’s an end in sight and I know it’ll be here soon enough and I’m thinking it’s because I know this is the last time I’ll ever be pregnant (at least that’s what’s planned for now!). So while I haven’t enjoyed this pregnancy and desperately want my body back, there’s a sense of me that’s cherishing those last flutters and kicks and daily hiccups I’ll ever feel inside of me because those, those are just magical to me.

Baby boy, your cozy nursery is ready for you (and I’m so in love with it!) and your siblings cannot wait to hold you in their arms and let’s just hope you have a name oh-so-soon!