Jenn Hallak

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39 Random Acts of Kindness

I love giving. It’s just something I love to do. I’ll admit, receiving gifts is fun too but there’s just something about making others smile that totally warms my heart.

And this season is all about giving and making people smile. It’s about family and friends and even strangers and it’s about making this world a happier, more positive place to live. I love this season and want to do my part in contributing to happiness in this world so I’ve put together a list of 39 Random Acts of Kindness and I invite you to join me on this little journey for the remainder of 2018.

Every day I’ll be posting one act of kindness on my Instagram stories and if you feel compelled, I’d love for you to join in and complete the act of kindness, not to check off a box but only participate in the kindness acts that you truly feel compelled to participate in. This is not about checking a box at all and you’d better bet I won’t even complete the whole list. This is about making others smile (and quite possibly making someone’s entire day!), it’s about leading our kids by example and not just by what we say but what we do and how we act. And guess what? I’ll bet you you’ll be a happier, more positive person at the end of the day too.

Love + happiness spreads like wildfire — So be the ones to start it :)

39 Random Acts of Kindness

1. Pay for the person behind you in the drive thru line (Starbucks, fast food, etc)
2. Text a friend out of the blue
3. Tell your spouse or someone you love that you appreciate them and
4. Send someone a BrightBox out of the blue
5. Leave money at a vending machine
6. Bake cookies for a neighbor, the mailman, a firefighter or a friend
7. Give a stranger a compliment
8. Help someone bring their groceries to the car (a mom, an elderly person, etc)
9. Offer to cook dinner for a mama friend
10. Leave a nice, anonymous note in a mailbox.
11. Put a surprise note in your spouse's car or in your kid's lunchbox
12. Write a thank you note to your local firefighters, police and servicemen
13. Give something to the homeless (water, snacks, a sandwich, etc)
14. Write down three things you love about yourself (you need to serve yourself too!)
15. Donate old toys or furniture or clothes that you don't use anymore
16. Leave your mailman a thank you note and some cookies, snacks, water or baked goods!
17. Let your spouse win a disagreement, no questions asked.
18. Let your spouse sleep in an extra hour or go to bed an hour early
19. Leave an anonymous happy note on a co workers desk
20. Leave a happy note on a car in the parking lot
21. Put your phone away for the night
22. Pray for someone you don't usually pray for
23. Hold the door open unusually long for someone
24. Take your family, friend or spouse on a surprise outing
25. Send flowers for no occasion at all or bring them to an elderly home
26. Do your spouses "duties" -- taking out the trash, laundry, making the beds, putting the kids to bed
27. Mow your neighbors lawn
28. Let the person behind you in line go first (the grocery store, the coffee shop, the bank, etc)
29. Let someone merge in front of you onto  the freeway
30. Put a positive message on a sticky note and leave it in a public bathroom
31. Tell a manager about a wonderful employee
32. Purchase from a charity-driven company, like Raise Your Melon who donates 50% of their profits to pediatric cancer
33. Ask a friend if they need any help (cleaning, cooking, watching their kids, walking the dog, etc)
34. Bring your neighbor's cans out on trash day
35. Fill the parking meter when you leave
36. Be the one to add a tip to the coffee shop tip jar
37. Give up that great parking spot
38. Give up your seat on the bus, train or in a self seating restaurant
39. Smile when you feel like frowning the most