Jenn Hallak

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5 Simple Ways to Cure Your Post-Holiday Blues

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.
#MembersMarkDetergent #CollectiveBias

Photos by Briana Lindsey Photography

There's a quote spreading around the internet right now and I'm sure you've seen it. In fact, it's spreading like wild fire's totally true and I'm sure 99.9% of the United States can relate. It's a meme about those post-holiday blues and it may sound crazy, but I prepped for the blues weeks ago by snagging a jug of Member’s Mark® Ultimate Clean Detergent from Sam's Club before we left for vacation. I know, you're probably confused as to how that possibly helped but I'll tell you why it's the perfect cure.

"That bit between Christmas and New Year where you don't know what day it is, who you are, or what you're supposed to be doing."

That is exactly how I'm feeling right now. You too, huh?

As we make the 6 hour road trip back to Southern California (literally as we speak) after a week long vacation with my family full of activities, excitement, good food and so much fun, that quote couldn't be more perfect for how I'm feeling right now. In fact, I'm feeling a whole lot worse than that.

I'd describe it as feeling pretty down, as a matter of fact.

The joy, the excitement and all of the magic that the holidays brings is now over and I basically don't know what to do with myself. I know we've got New Years in a couple of days but it's just not the same as the magic that Christmas brings. As we make our way back home back to reality and leave our family with no holidays in site, getting back into the swing of things isn't easy. It's never easy.

So I've come up with 4 ways to beat the post-holiday blues.

1. Get the laundry done.

Whenever we get back from vacation, the huge pile of laundry seems to sit there for days. With the suitcases out and piles on piles of laundry just staring at me day in and day out, it's all just one big fat reminder that I'm no longer on vacation. And it's an even bigger reminder that I need to get back to reality.

So this year, I'm making an effort to get my laundry washed, folded, and put away the day we get back to jump start that to-do list and prevent those post-holiday blues. Before we left for vacation, I snagged a bottle of Member's Mark from Sam's Club so I'd be ready to go as soon as we got back home.

With all of the eating out, chocolate and sweets we ate over the past week, you'd better bet Ava's clothes are full of stains galore -- Oh-so many stains. Member’s Mark Ultimate Clean Liquid Laundry Detergent “Removes Stains the First Time!” giving you superior cleaning performance at an exceptionally great value -- rinse, spot clean, wash and then check any stains before drying so the stains won't dry in. And their formulas were recently upgraded for even better stain-fighting power.

Member's Mark can be purchased at Sam's Club or Click here to check out the Instant Savings Booklet for $2.00 off between 12-27-17 and 1-28-18.

2. Do something fun.

Whether you head out for a quick drink or bite to eat, take the kids to the park before bed, indulge in a late night ice cream cone or have a fun family game night at home, making an effort to have some fun these next couple of days is key to curing those post-holiday blues.

3. Reminisce in the memories.

Tell stories about your holiday vacation, browse through all of the photos you took, watch the holiday vacation videos you took (you can watch ours here) and just reminisce in the magic, the happiness and the memories you made this holiday season. That's sure to keep you smiling from ear to ear.

4. Pay it forward.

I've said it before and I'll say it again -- Giving is one thing that is always proven to put a smile on my face. Donate to the homeless, pay for the Starbucks customer behind you in the drive through line, pay for a random stranger's meal or simply give someone a compliment. Paying it forward is one way to keep a smile on your face and best of all, will help someone else cure their post-holiday blues too.

5. Smile.

Have you ever tried to smile and be upset at the same time? It doesn't work. It's impossible. For that moment you're smiling, you can't not be happy. So do whatever it takes to crack a smile. It works every single time.