Jenn Hallak

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6 Day Mom + Wife Devotional Series

Photos by Briana Lindsey Photography

A couple weeks back, I asked you all over on Instagram if you'd be interested in a Mom Devotional Series. I'm far from the perfect mom, I'm far from the perfect wife and I'm far from being a perfect human but reading books on marriage, daily mom devotionals and through all of the stresses I've experienced my marriage and in my two years as a mom, I've got a lot to say.

I've got a lot of wisdom to drop and while I'm far from perfecting that wisdom myself, I'm working on it. I'm working on being a better wife, a better mom and a better me every single day.

So when I asked over on Instagram if anyone would be interested in a devotional series, some of you said no but a whole lot of you said yes. Over the past couple of weeks, I've narrowed down the topics I want to write about, the topics that are near and dear to my heart at this point in my life, and the topics I find important.

Over the next six days, my Mom Devotional Series will be going live, one day at a time. And with each daily devotional, I'm going to be giving you a challenge. They're challenges to create a better you, to create a better world and to create a more happy, positive and loving environment for yourself and for everyone around you. I'm going to do my best to keep each day super short and to the point, because ain't nobody got time to read a 40 minute excerpt from my blog every day...just being honest.

I'll be writing on topics specifically for moms, for wives and just for people in general. So if you aren't a mom or you aren't a wife, there are topics in here for everyone and topics that although they may be written for moms and wives, can really be applied to every day life.

And so it begins... Here we go!