Jenn Hallak

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6 Day Mom + Wife Devotional Series | Get Dressed

Topic: Getting Dressed

Challenge of the Day:
Get dressed. That's all. And for those of you who get dressed every day, put on a little extra makeup or wear something that your spouse really loves and something that makes you feel extra beautiful. Make an effort to get dressed today (and maybe even throw on some mascara) no matter how busy your morning may be. And I promise it will start your day off in such an amazing way.

Quote of the Day:
“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." -- Hebrews 10:24-25

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When my husband and I were engaged, we did a private pre-marriage class with our pastor. Each week he would meet with us, talk about important marital topics, issues we hadn't even realized may be an issue once we moved in together and then we would have homework for the week -- typically questions to discuss with each other such as roles in the home, finances, kids, cleanliness, and just so many important topics that were necessary to discuss before we said "I Do."

But there's one topic that really stuck with me:

I'll be honest, I'm probably the absolute worst at this and I know that so many moms out there would agree with me life. And mom life means time seems to pass so quickly every day that you don't even have time to get dressed most days.

And so, today's topic is all about getting dressed -- getting dressed for your spouse and for yourself, because both are important.

Really? Getting dressed is that important?

Of course this isn't always the situation but when you first meet your spouse, there's typically a physical attraction. I mean, you don't know each other yet and you don't know each others' personalities and what you love about one another yet, outside of physical looks, so in many cases, that physical attraction is the start of your relationship.

You dress up to go on dates, you want to look cute for this guy you're dating and that's all great. And then you get married, you have kids and that whole "getting dressed and wearing makeup" thing seems to slowly dwindle away. You don't need to impress him anymore (or so you think), you don't really care what strangers think and you're down to wearing makeup and actually putting real clothes on, maybe once a week.


Of course, we marry someone because we love them for who they are, we love their personalities and their values and we feel like they are our sole mate and the attraction thing is just an added bonus. But just like you need to continue dating your spouse for the rest of your life you also need to keep that spark alive and physical attraction is key. So get dressed up for your spouse, put clothes on and wear some makeup and re-spark that physical attraction that may potentially be fading away through the years. I'm not saying you need to do it every day, but every once in a while, show your spouse that you care about serving their needs.

And second:

Get dressed for yourself.

Every single day I actually put on real clothes, it's crazy how much I get done. I'm the most productive mom in the world when I'm wearing "real" clothes and really, it makes me feel like a super mom. And that feels good. It feels real good.

Get up, get dressed and get productive for yourself and for your relationship. Oh yeah, and throw on a smile too :)

Now scroll on up to the top for today's challenge -- I'm guessing you know exactly what it's going to be!

<< Photos by Briana Lindsey Photography >>

Head up to the top of this post to check out today's challenge and quote of the day and
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