Jenn Hallak

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6 Proven Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

Photos by Briana Lindsey Photography

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The start of winter brings so much excitement -- pulling out those darling winter coats, accessorizing with beanies and scarves, throwing on your favorite boots, bundling up by the fire with a hot cup of cocoa and don't forget the holidays. The holidays are the most exciting part of winter, if you ask me. Family, friends, gifts, travel and so many memories.

Christmas comes and goes, New Years brings even more celebration and excitement and then it happens. All of the fun and games are gone and we're stuck with winter.

Just winter.

It gets dark by 4pm, we're stuck inside with our kids all day every day just driving each other crazy and those winter blues officially kick in. It happens to the best of us, myself included. But I'm all about being positive and happy (or at least I try) so I'm starting early and giving you 6 proven ways to beat those winter blues so when they arrive, you can beat them with ease. And when I say proven, I mean proven by me, myself and I. But hey, if they work for me then at least a couple of them are bound to work for you too!

6 Proven Ways to Beat the Winter Blues

1. Eat

I don't know about you but when I'm down, I reach for chocolate. Or any sweets, for that matter. You too, huh? So instead of reaching for sweets, snag a hearty and warm soup or something that makes your heart happy -- something that will actually fill you belly. Soup is like medicine for my soul so that's my go-to this time of year.

Idahoan® Steakhouse® Soups only take 5 minutes to make, without missing out on that flavorful, slow-cooked taste you'd get at a restaurant. They bring together real, red Idaho® potatoes with flavorful seasonings and rich cheeses to provide a creamy taste in every spoonful. They're available in four delicious flavors: Loaded Potato, Creamy Potato, Cheddar Broccoli and Cheddar Potato. Just add water and that bowl full of delicious, warm goodness is just the winter blues cure you need.

2. Dance

Dance parties with Ava always cheer me up. I turn up some of my favorite upbeat + positive Christian music and dance like no one's watching. And just that smile on her face makes all of my "blues" disappear.

3. Turn on the lights.

I know, it's so simple but it totally works! Basically, we're just tricking ourselves into thinking we've actually seen the sun that day. 

4. Pay it forward.

...or really, do something to make others happy. Send a little gift in the mail, write a hand-written "I'm thinking of you" letter, send a quick text to a friend you haven't talked to in a while, pay for the person behind you in the drive thru line. 

Doing something that will make others happy totally turns it around and creates an even brighter happiness in our own hearts. Or at least it works for me every single time. So try it out and let me know if it works for you too!

5. Get Moving

So technically the dance party could count as exercise but even taking a 5 minute walk outside, doing an at-home workout video or doing some jumping jacks definitely makes a world of a difference. Whatever it may be, get off your butt and move. The worst it could do is make you a little healthier and that's a win for the day if you ask me.

6. Get Ready

Even if you're planning on staying home all day with nothing to do, getting dressed, doing your makeup and even doing your hair makes a world of a difference. As a stay at home mine, I tend to live in pajamas but on the days where I actually get up and get dressed I notice a huge difference -- I'm more productive and my mood is immediately improved. Oh yeah, and don't forget to throw on a smile while you're at it. 

Voila -- Monday blues cured. You're welcome.

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