Jenn Hallak

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6 Tips for Road Tripping with A Toddler

Photos by Briana Lindsey Photography

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, INC. and The Coca-Cola Company, all opinions are mine alone.
#MakeIcyMagic #CollectiveBias

Tomorrow is both my favorite and least favorite day of the entire year.

Favorite because...

I get to spend an entire week with my dad and sisters and it's really the only time every year we are all together! I also get to see my cousins, my aunts and uncles and my grandma. AND that all means that Christmas is here!!! So there are a lot of reasons why tomorrow is my favorite day of the year.

Least favorite because...

We're road tripping. Yep, we're packing up all of the gifts, a week of clothes, a restless toddler who hates being in the car and a 75lb pup and we're embarking on a 7 hour drive. And let me tell you, I'm dreading it all just thinking about it. Not to mention, when the week is over we have to make that same 7 hour trip back home. So yeah, please send good vibes our way.

Since this is our first time road tripping with a toddler, I'm kind of winging it here but I think I've done a pretty great job of prepping. So I'm going to share all of my secrets with you -- All of my tips for road tripping with a toddler:

1. Don't forget about yourself.

Yep, that's my number one tip because there's nothing worse than having a screaming baby in the car and not having anything to comfort yourself. I know I'm an adult but road tripping is boring as it is even without the babies in tow so pack snacks and drinks and something fun and new.

So I discovered this magic Coca-Cola™ machine at Chevron -- Arctic Coke. And yes, it's just as awesome as it sounds. Well, it's basically magic. It's like a slushy and a Coca-Cola combined and the machine does all of the work for you. Basically, you snag an icy cold Coca-Cola, Diet Coke®, POWERADE® or Sprite® from the Arctic Coke machine. Tip it upside down and back up, place it on the machine, press the button and voila! Your bottle of delicious, slushy goodness is complete!

Click here to see the Arctic Coke machine in action and if you want to find an Arctic Coke machine near you, click here.

It's the perfect refreshment for our long drive, it's new and exciting (which make it that much tastier) and lucky me, it'll stay cold and refreshing far longer than a regular bottle of Coca-Cola.

Magical, isn't it? :)

2. Snacks for the kids. They can't nurse while we're driving so pack fun, new (key word, NEW) snacks to keep them busy for a little a little while.

3. Drive at night. That increases your chances of them sleeping the entire ride so that's what we're doing and we're crossing our fingers it'll work out for us.

4. Cheap Toys. Kids get sick of their toys fast so I know that her one baby doll isn't going to entertain her for more than 5 minutes. So I went and snagged a dozen or so inexpensive toys to give to her when she gets restless. I may even wrap them for her so that opening them is even more exciting and fun!

5. Pack your patience + a smile. If there's one time to work on your patience, this is it. Just think of the destination, think happy thoughts and smile. You'll survive. I promise.

6. And if worse comes to worse, YouTube always seems to do the trick. But that's our last resort.

Now I'm off to packing and practicing what I preach. Wish me luck!