Jenn Hallak

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8 Baby Registry Must-Haves (no one told you about)

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.
#MyVTechNursery #CollectiveBias

Ava's birthday is just one month away (I'm not crying, you're crying) and I haven't planned anything. Nothing. I've got some ideas floating around...but they're literally floating. Usually I'm the one to have everything planned months in advance but I think that subconsciously, I don't want my baby to grow up.

Like how can my baby possibly be turning two?! It doesn't seem possible whatsoever and it's just so bitter sweet. So I'm just over here browsing through our 2016 Chatbooks with the most darling photos of chunky-thighed baby Ava instead of ordering a birthday cake. And I'm over here going through the 8 bins of baby clothes that I cannot believe she once fit in instead of deciding on a birthday theme. And then all of the Facebook memories of my weekly pregnancy photos started popping up recently and I'm just missing that belly and the excitement.

Baby fever anyone? Yep, I'm totally there.

As much as I love seeing her grow up and learn all of the things and all of the words and hug me and kiss me and tell me she loves me, well...the only phrase I can describe the feeling is "bitter sweet."

Remember back when you were pregnant with your first child and everyone told you that you needed this and you needed that and basically you need to add everything to your baby registry? Yep, we got all of it. And I'll be honest, we used most of the "things" everyone told us we needed (and when I say everyone, Mr. Google is included) but the next time around (when that time comes) I know I won't need nearly as much as we got with Ava. Because while I used most of it, I didn't really need even half of it.

And you know what? There are a couple of items no one really mentions that I think are a baby registry must. So here it is, two years in the making:

8 Baby registry must haves that no one ever told you about.


1. A Baby Monitor

Of course you know that you need a baby monitor but not just any baby monitor.

So what should I look for in a baby monitor?

I thought we'd be done using it after Ava got out of the baby stage but we use ours now more than ever! Not only do we have it for us to watch her at night and during naps but during the day too! She plays in her room on her own now but she also loves to do things like climb her dresser and her bookshelf so with our monitor I can keep an eye on her at all times.

And better yet, if she's doing something she shouldn't be doing, I can talk to her through it and she listens. I think she listens to me more because she's confused as to how that little camera is talking but hey, at least it works!

Some things that I'd recommend looking for in a baby monitor: night vision, the ability to unplug and bring the cordless screen with you wherever you go (aka the couch to have a cup of cold coffee), a thermometer (I bet no one ever told you that!), two way sound capabilities and playing music for your baby too!

The monitor you're looking at here is the VTech VM5251 5” Digital Video Baby Monitor with Full-Color and Automatic Night Vision in White and you can find it at Let me tell you, it is the best baby monitor. It has a large 5" LCD screen with Full-Color and Automatic Night Vision. This fixed baby camera gives you multiple viewing options to watch over your little one from anywhere in the house or out in the yard. Even after dark, you’ll be able to see your baby clearly thanks to automatic infrared night vision. It also is pre-loaded with soothing sounds and lullabies that play right from the camera unit to help baby sleep tight. Plus, the built-in room temperature monitor will let you know with an alert if the nursery is getting too hot or too cold so you can adjust the thermostat.

2. A Wipeable Mat

If you've never checked these things out, do it now. They're great for indoor projects, can be used under the high chair for a quick clean up and really, they're such a mom lifesaver for any age of kids. You're going to use this for years and you're going to use it every single day of your life.

3. A Secret Changing Station

There's no need to purchase an entire changing station piece of furniture -- Just snag a changing pad and keep it in the closet or next to your baby's dresser and then pull it up onto the dresser or even on the floor when your baby needs a change.

4. Hidden Storage

Your kid is going to have a lot of toys. Like a whole lot, whether you like it or not. So snag some storage that hides the mess and makes it easy to throw everything into those little bins when you need to clean up the nursery 34 times a day. And voila, you have a sparkling clean room in minutes!

5. A Mini Projector

I know you've heard of counting sheep but have you tried it? It totally works! This projector light has been a lifesaver for us getting Ava to bed. We count the fish with her and she's out faster than light. Well, that was a lie. But it has been super helpful.

6. A Bow Holder

Bows for girls and bow ties for boys, there's nothing worse than a jumbled mess of bows stuffed into a drawer. I can never find my favorites! So we hung a bow holder with all of our most used bows and it's the best piece of decor we've ever put up!

7. A Diaper Bin

You know this one too but not all diaper bins actually work. Our seriously blocks out all of the smell -- basically magic right in front of my nose. So do your research, ask around and find one that will get the job done.

8. Breathable Bumpers

Baby crib bumpers are a big no-no because they're a suffocation hazard but do you know what's also a hazard? When you have a baby or toddler who rolls around like crazy in their sleep and somehow manages to get her legs and arms through the bars on the crib. To be honest, I have no idea if that's actually a hazard but believe it or not, she's gotten arms and legs stuck in there and I'm terrified that if she pulls too hard she will break a bone! So I have a super thin, mesh, breathable bumper in the crib to ease my fears.

Now I just need to go look that up and see if my fears are confirmed with statistics. Be right back ;)

And there you have it -- 8 baby registry must haves that you've probably never been told about. If there are any others you think are a must, comment below so we can add them to our list!