Jenn Hallak

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I can't believe I am actually saying this because I ALWAYS get things done way ahead of time (yes, I am that girl who shows up to everything 20 minutes early) but I JUST finished the last piece of decor in Ava's room. Yep, we had a blank wall above her crib up until yesterday. Okay, let's be real -- I am sure I am going to find something else I totally love and will just keep adding and changing up her room decor. I already am planning to get one of those adorable little play teepees once she starts crawling! But until now, I can finally say that her room is complete...just four and a half months late.

I had a lot of trouble deciding what to put above her crib because what if it fell? I needed something that was lightweight so if it were to fall on her, it wouldn't hurt her.  And so, on a whim yesterday, we ran to Michaels and picked up some goods to DIY a little craft that I think turned out absolutely adorable.

Side story -- When my husband came home from work and I showed him, the first thing he said was, "Well what if those push pins fall out of the wall and into her crib and she rolls on them? That won't hurt her at all (sarcasm)." Dreams shattered. And after I hung it, Baxter walked in there and growled and barked at it like it was an intruder for a good 20 minutes. So apparently I am the only one who likes it but I am going to show it to you anyways :)

And it only took about 10 minutes from prep to hanging which was the coolest part! So here it goes:

What you need:

- 2 push pins or thumb tacks
- 5-6 feet of twine (or string)
- around 30 yards of ribbon, lace, fabric, etc
- scissors (you can't forget those!)

How to make it:

1. Cut your ribbon, lace, string and fabric into 2 ft strips.

2. Tie each strip onto the twine (I used 5 1/2 feet) in the center of the strip, so that one foot hangs on each side of the twine. I didn't have any pattern to mine, but just tried to spread out the colors.

3. When you are done tying, flip all of the strands to one side and slide them to space it out as you like it.

3, Hang it up with your push pins and voila, that's all there is to it!