Jenn Hallak

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Will my insurance pay for any breast pump I want? Yep.

Sponsored with love by Ashland Health
Photos by
Briana Lindsey Photography

I've talked to you all a lot about my breastfeeding journey, how I knew it was time for me to start weaning Ava (back in October) and how I've begun the weaning process....the very slow, long weaning process that I just want to be over. But what I haven't mentioned before is lucky I know I am.

I am lucky to have the choice to breastfeed and I am lucky to have the choice to wean.

I am so incredibly lucky.

I've been blessed with a very full supply of milk for Ava since the day she was born (in fact, my milk came in about 2 weeks before she was born) and I know that is not common. Ava latched the first day, right out of the womb. And I know that is not all. I've been blessed to be able to nurse Ava up until now, at 22 months old, and while I never wanted that for my family and never imagined nursing this long, I know that this is a gift I have been given. It's something so many moms long for and it's something that so many moms struggle with. So I know more than ever, that I am so lucky and I am so blessed.

I am beyond grateful to have the opportunity to be home with Ava to nurse her because if I went to work every day there's absolutely no way I would have made it this far, especially with the breast pump my insurance company sent my way. There's absolutely positively no way I would have even made it to a year.

Let me start by saying that I am a firm believer in doing what is best for you and for your child. Of course, we know that breast milk definitely has it's benefits but if a mom is struggling and sore and stressed and in pain, the idea of breastfeeding or pumping may not be for you. You may, in fact, be better off physically and mentally without it.

Moral of the Story: You do you.

And only you know what that is.

So here's the thing -- When I was at the end stages of pregnancy my doctor told me that my insurance would provide me with a breast pump. I heard people talking about the best kinds of pumps and the moms discussing different styles and models and honestly, I didn't think much of it because I knew that I would be at home and wouldn't need to pump.

I pumped on and off because 1) I had more milk than Ava could handle (and that my boobs could handle) and 2) I wanted to have some frozen milk for times I needed it.

But I hated pumping. It was uncomfortable and it hurt and really, I know that I can attribute that to the pump I had. Let me tell you, the pump wasn't great. It wasn't even good. But because my insurance said that is what they would provide me, I took it and thought that was the way it was. I didn't think I had a choice.

But I DID have a choice and you have a choice too. You can choose the breast pump you want because every mom deserves to have the feeding experience she wants. And I am going to tell you why and how that's possible:

And I'm going to let you in on a little secret I just learned about that I am super excited about.

Want to know how to get your insurance to pay for whatever breast pump you want IN FULL? Keep on reading.


How it Works

Access to a breast pump is considered one of the ten Essential Health Benefits guaranteed to everyone under the Affordable Care Act, which means that insurance companies are required to cover the cost of one breast pump, per pregnancy, for every woman with health care coverage.

Ultimately, that means your insurance coverage includes a breast pump at no extra cost to you. But navigating the process for actually making that happen isn’t always seamless. Wait, dealing with an insurance company isn’t easy? Surprise, surprise! Not only that, but without knowing your rights, you could end up with a model or brand that doesn’t align with your breastfeeding goals.

That’s where Ashland Health comes in.


Who is Ashland Health?

Ashland Health takes all of the legwork of getting an insurance covered breast pump off your plate. Run by moms, for moms, they work directly with your insurance provider and your physician to get the right breast pump for your lifestyle delivered to your door at absolutely no cost to you. You don’t even have to pay for shipping.

They offer more models than any other provider, including all of the top brands, like Medela, Lansinoh and Spectra. And if you’re not sure which one is right for you, you can take this super fun quiz. Or give Ashland Women’s Health a call and one of the moms on staff will help you find the best option for your family.

Check out their website to learn more. This FAQ page covers pretty much everything you need to know about the process and how it works. Trust me when I say these amazing mamas have got your back.