Jenn Hallak

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This year Halloween was quite a bit different than any year before. In the past, we've gone to parties every single Halloween but with a baby on board, of course things changed. And we had a blast!

All of these 1st memories with Ava make me tear up just thinking about them. And in mamarazzi fashion, I documented the whole thing.

The day before Halloween, we carved pumpkins and watched Hocus Pocus, our tradition. As it turns out, carving pumpkins with a seven month old crawling around and getting into everything isn't as easy as it sounds so out of the 4 pumpkins we got, only one was carved. And I am proud to say that I carved it myself, WITHOUT a stencil!

You see, Frank is the artsy one in the family and every pumpkin he carves is extravagant and totally prize-worthy. Me, on the other hand? I buy the stencil books every year and pick one that super simple to do. So I was super proud of myself this year!

On Halloween, we dressed up as baby Little Red Riding Hood, I was the grandma, and Frank was the wolf. It was such a fun family Halloween costume for three that we decided on literally two days before Halloween. But I think it turned out pretty least Ava was!

We headed to Frank's work for a little Halloween party during the day and then went to our friends' house at night! We had two babies, a one year old, and 7 adults and went out trick or treating to maybe 10 houses. As silly as it was, it was pretty adorable watching Nicolette learn how to collect her candy...and then stuff as many pieces in her pumpkin as she could.

We played some fun games as a group and laughed our butts off all night long.

This Halloween was far different from the rest but it definitely was the best one yet!