Jenn Hallak

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GIVEAWAY | Baby Aspen Shark Robe

Sponsored with love by Baby Aspen

Want to know one thing I love that most about being a mom?

The phases.

Let me re-phrase: I love some of the phases. Not so much the teething or the sleep regressions or the climbing on every piece of furniture she can find, but the the little quirks that let her little personality shine through. The little things she loves and obsesses over. I love seeing those little things change as she learns and grows. I don't know, I just find it absolutely adorable.

Current Phase: ROBES

No joke, Ava currently has this weird obsession with robes and it's been going on for a couple of weeks now. I literally will hide them in the closet so she doesn't see them hanging in the bathroom and ask me to put them on her. Because when she spots one, there's no turning back. Let me tell you, 90 degree weather and a big, fuzzy robe just don't mesh well. And no matter how hot she gets, the robe must be tied (in a double knot) and the hood must be on...all the way on. Believe me, I know the rules of the robes as we've had more than enough melt downs because it wasn't on right. Lesson learned.

And that, right there, is what I find so adorable. Well, in addition to seeing a darling little baby in a robe, because that is adorable as it is!

So today we've partnered with Baby Aspen to get one of your babies into this whole adorable robe phase too (you can thank me later). We're giving away a baby shark towel robe over on our Instagram (@theoverwhelmedmommy). I mean, how stinkin' adorable are these kids shark robes? Ava loves them, I love them and I know you're going to love them too :)

Scroll on down to see all of the adorable-ness and click the links below to take a browse through all of the oh-so-adorable Baby Aspen products!