Jenn Hallak

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6 Cute Baby Holiday Onesies

If you follow me over on Instagram then you know that Macallen is our last baby. And if you watch our stories then you also know how emotional I’ve been over this — hormonal postpartum stage? Probably yes, but also I’m just soaking every single moment in with him because I know I’ll never get to experience that baby stage again. Isn’t that so sad to think? I’m a “give me all the babies” kind of gal so I’ve done lots of mental prepping through this pregnancy to remind myself to soak in all of the little moments I’ll never get again. Happy tears, though, because these moments are so precious to me and I hope my memory will serve me well through all of them. 

But anyhow, leading up to this magical season, it’ll also be the “last first Christmas” I’ll get to experience with my kids and so, you’d better bet I’m snapping all of the cute and festive newborn photos of Macallen in the cutest baby holiday onesies and clothes and I’m sure you can also see that I went a little overboard on shopping for said Christmas baby onesies. Not mad about it because these turned out so darn precious, if I may say so myself. And can you believe he stayed asleep through SIX outfit changes? Watch this Instagram reel and you’ll be even more shocked at what else he slept through… his mom and her crazy video ideas and he didn’t mind it one bit!

And now that I talked your ears off, I’ll give you what you’re most likely here for — links to these adorable holiday baby onesies. They’re all from one of my favorite small shops - Little Mama Shirt Shop - and if you don’t have an itty bitty baby this holiday season, don’t you worry. They’ve got these designs and literally hundreds more in kids and adult sizes too!