Jenn Hallak

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24 Baby Product Beauty + Mom Hacks

I've been going a but stir crazy with all of this heat we've got going on this summer. And because it's just far too hot to do anything outside, we've been cooped up in the house for far too long. We've on the AC going day and night, the pavement at the pool burns our feet, it was 93 degrees at 7pm yesterday and I sweat just walking to an from my car to run errands.

Is it fall yet?

Just kidding, I love my summers but just, 80 degree summers and not this 93-110 degree craziness we've got going on for the past couple of weeks.

So since we've spent weeks indoors, I've been doing some "spring cleaning." And you'd never guess how many un-used baby products I found stuffed into our hallway closet.

A lot.

I'll just put it at that. Baby powders and baby oil and un-used baby wipes since Ava is now potty trained. Did I throw them all away? Nope. But I sure did my researched on baby product mom hacks and I'm going to share them all with you.

Baby Oil Mom-Beauty Hacks:

mildew remover (shower curtains, glass, etc)
helps remove gum from hair (I wonder if this would get out Ava's tangles?)
easily gets stickers off of surfaces
ouchless band-aid remover
ring remover (you know, because heat make my fingers fat)
mosquito repellent (I wish I knew this before the 12 bites I got this week)
fixes squeaky doors
fixes stuck zippers

Baby Wipes Mom-Beauty Hacks

makeup remover
removes crayons from most surfaces
gets rid of static
freshens drawers
cleans glass
attach to the bottom of your Swiffer mop (way cheaper too!)
deodorant stain remover
makeup brush cleaner

Baby Powder Mom-Beauty Hacks:

sprinkle on your lashes between coats for thickness
dry shampoo
mix with face makeup for a matte look
add between lipstick coats for longer lasting lipstick
gets sand off of your feet (worst feeling ever, right?)
sprinkle inside of shoes to keep them smelling fresh
helps get necklaces untangles
soaks up greasy stains on clothes

So there you have it --
Baby products mom hacks and baby product beauty hacks all using baby products you probably already have.
You're welcome.