Jenn Hallak

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Chicco Bravo Convertible Stroller | A Stroller Made for Moms

Sponsored with love by Chicco

The first stroller we ever had had a handle that was far too low for our height. The second stroller we tried out had an adjustable handle but my goodness it took up so much space in our trunk, let alone trying to lift it up to get it in there. We tried out another that had zero space for me to put a drink or any of my things while on walks and yet another had such a small amount of space to store below that there’s no chance I’d be able to take it out on any grocery or shopping trip. Oh yeah, and you all know about the time when I couldn’t figure out how to fold or unfold that stroller in the Target parking lot for the life of me — YouTube was no help and I ended up shaking and tugging and just throwing it into the trunk, never to be used again.

And while there have been so many things we’ve loved in each of the strollers we’ve had the opportunity to try out (some we’ve recommended to all of you and some we haven’t), all of those little things matter.

Of course we want our kids to be comfortable and we want them to be safe but it’s just as important that we, the parents, find a stroller with all of the little things that matter to us.

Let me tell you about the Chicco Bravo Trio Travel System. Yet another stroller I’ve gotten to try out and let me tell you, they REALLY kept the parents in mind when designing this one and I sure love that about it.


There are a lot of strollers out there that grow with your kids from newborn to infant to toddler but this one takes the cake and I’ll show you why! You know how we all want a stroller that’s lightweight? Well Chicco thought of that too!

In the infant stage, you can quickly and easily remove that seat, taking off some of the weight that’s unnecessary to be lugging around while your baby is still in an infant car seat. But if you have two kids like we do and sometimes use the stroller for the baby and sometimes use it for the toddler, no big deal — you can keep that seat on and the car seat works just the same with it on or off!

Once your baby has grown out of that car seat and is ready for the “big kid seat” in the stroller, zip it right back on, clip and click it into place and in less than 30 sections (and no YouTube directions necessary), you’re good to go! Like I didn’t even need to watch a video to figure it out — it’s easy peasy!


Whether you’re short or tall or whether dad is pushing the stroller or mom is, a stroller with an adjustable handle is key. Well, at least for me it is. I’m 5’8” which is tall but definitely not unusually tall and believe it or not, it’s hard to find a stroller I don’t have to slouch over to push!


Before I explain, watch this:

Brilliant. Just brilliant. Whether you’re carrying a baby, a toddler, groceries or a car seat, you can do it all with one hand. It folds easily (just pull that handle), it’s lightweight enough to put into the trunk with one hand and heck, it folds up nice and small too. So many wins right there!


Not only does the this Chicco Bravo auto-straighten all wheels when you fold AND stands on its own (I’ve literally never experienced a stroller that can stand on its own before), but you see the handle up there? You know, the handle you touch to push the stroller and then use those same hands to pick up your baby? Well Chicco thought of that too — even when extended the handle won’t touch the ground so it’ll stay nice and clean at all times. Like who even thought of all of these little necessities?


First of all, that storage area is huge. And that’s something we all love (and need) in a stroller. Well you guessed it — they made it even better than that. Let’s say you put your diaper bag down in the basket, then start filling it up with groceries. All of the sudden, your baby spits up all over the place or has a blowout that you need to take care of stat. Take out all of the groceries just to access the diaper bag that stuffed in there? Not necessary. Lift up that flap below your child’s legs and you’ve got access to the front of the basket too!

All of those little things matter. Every single one of them. The kids should be comfy and safe but us parents also deserve convenience, don’t you think?

Shop the Bravo Trio Travel System by clicking here! And of course if you have any questions, ask away!