Jenn Hallak

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18 Chore Ideas for Toddlers (+ the family app that'll keep you organized!)

Sponsored with love by Famtastic

How early is too early to start your kids on chores?

In my eyes, it's never too early! When Ava was around 9 months old we started a program called MyGym -- a combination of gymnastics and Gymboree. Every single class there's a toy time which they call "Separation Time." The parents sit back and let the kids play together with toys, off of all gymnastics equipment. And at the end of Separation Time, they play the clean up song and all of the kids work together to get the toys cleaned up.

And I couldn't believe my eyes the first time I saw this...

The kids were actually getting the toys cleaned up and they were enjoying themselves too!

So I'm not talking about having my two year old scrub the toilets or do all of the dishes every night but teaching our kids responsibility from a young age will absolutely, positively help them succeed in life. And if I'm being honest, it'll make our lives easier too when we get some help around here ;)

This week I got to try out a family organization app that focuses on all aspects of your family from chores to family calendars and events, family shopping lists, a piggy bank, budgeting and wait for it...Walmart and Amazon carts. Because what mom doesn't love all of that?

It's seriously so cool, you guys.

Each family member has a profile and the adults have the opportunity to add chores to the each kid's profile. Each child checks off their chores when they're finished and voila, we've got some little responsible, independent kiddos in the making!

Take a little peek...

Of course there are so many other features but that one just happens to be my fave.

Click here to download and take a peek around Famtastic App and get your family organized in no time!

And if you're in need of a list of chores for toddlers, here are some ideas to get you started:

- feed the animals morning and night
- clean up their toys
- help carry the laundry to the correct rooms
- pull laundry out of the dryer with you
- toss laundry into the washer
- throw their dirty clothes in the hamper
- help unload the dishwasher
- hold the pan while you sweep
- help you mop
- help vacuum
- dusting
- wiping down countertops, windows, mirror and anything else they can reach
- help make the bed or hand you the pillows while you make it
- help take out the trash or recycling by having them carry a single box or bottle
- water the garden
- clear their plate off the table at each meal
- set the table for meals
- help wash the dishes (Ava loves this one!)

There are so many easy chore ideas for toddlers...the possibilities are endless!