Jenn Hallak

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Chou La La | A Curated Cute Kids Clothing Box

I'm just going to jump the gun and say it:

I'm obsessed with Chou La La.

You heard it here first. Well, maybe not but I thought I sounded kinda cool saying that ;) I've been posting Ava in a whole lot of Chou La La kids outfits and for some strange reason, they always get the most compliments -- while we're out and about, on social media, you name it.

Even last week I found myself scouring the internet to find a pair of those striped pants so I, too, could get as many compliments on my outfits as she got when we were at Malibu Cafe this past weekend. Spoiler Alert: I found a pair that matches almost exactly, they arrived today and they fit me like a a glove (pics of us wearing super cute matching mommy and me pants coming soon!).

But as I continue to ramble (per usual) you're probably wondering:

What the heck is Chou La La anyways?

You know how when someone else picks out your outfits they end up being so much cuter than when you pick them out? Yep, that's Chou La La kids clothing box in a nutshell. You choose your style (they have tons of style options listed), they curate a box of kids clothes that goes perfectly with the style you love, you choose add on's at checkout if there are any items you see that you just have to add to your box and boom, it all suddenly appears at your doorstep.

Now that's my kind of shopping. You too?

I ended up selecting two box styles (because I just couldn't decide on one style) and I added on that darling rust orange paper bag kids skirt to my cart because I mean...I just couldn't resist!

Super cute kids clothes all picked out for you.

Now that's a kids clothing box I can jump on board with any day of the week. Click the button below to browse styles and select the perfect fit for your kids' wardrobe and in no time, you'll have the most stylish kid on the block without even getting off of your couch ('ll have to snag it on your door step but that's the tiny exception).

Use CODE: OVERWHELMED20 for 20% off!