Jenn Hallak

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I'VE GOT NOTHING TO WEAR | Cute Nursing Clothes (can you believe it?)

Sponsored with love, by Undercover Mama

Undercover Mama has solved all of my problems. And my guess is that they'll solve yours too...

I am that girl who stands in front of my closet and just stares. "I have nothing to wear" I repeat each and every time I have somewhere to go where I actually need to get dressed. You mean to tell me that leggings and an over-sized sweater aren't acceptable in all circumstances?

No matter how many new items I buy for my wardrobe, I just never have anything to wear. That's how it's always been for me and I assume that's how it will always be.

Because I am totally that girl.

Let's rewind to 9 months and one day ago...the day Ava was born. I had a beautiful baby girl in my arms and of course, I left the hospital in my signature look - leggings and an oversized sweatshirt. And at that time, it was acceptable (I think?)

Fast forward a week when it was time to actually leave the house with some real clothes on. Yes, even I can get sick of leggings. And while I had plenty of non maternity clothes to wear that hadn't been worn in a year, I still had "nothing to wear."

And this time, it was actually the truth.

Want to know why?

Most of my clothes just don't allow for breastfeeding. I can only wear something low cut, low enough for me to be able to pull my boob right on over the neckline of the shirt or sweatshirt or dress.

Like really low cut, if you can imagine.

I am sure you've all experienced the annoying feeling of standing in front of your closet with nothing to wear, due to the fact that you will need to breastfeed your baby at some point during the day. And when you're at a restaurant, it may not be the best idea to just pull your shirt off and whip out a boob.

But thank goodness I found Undercover Mama's cute nursing clothes because I don't know how I managed without them. And to be honest, I think I've worn my nursing dress a few too many times. Yes, it's gotten to the point where I want to wear it every day but have to refrain from doing so.

Undercover Mama has cute nursing clothes that work like a charm! They're fashionable and functional and I can breastfeed in them without a cover AND without whipping out a boob.

Don't believe me? Scroll on down to take a look at my Undercover Mama dress that I am absolutely in love with. I've got some breastfeeding pics in there and you'd never believeit.

And click on the link below to take a peek at their entire nursing clothing line. There's something in there for everyone!

Even more exciting??

We've partnered with Undercover Mama for a $50 GIVEAWAY over on our Instagram page! Click on the link below and stay tuned for the rules on how to enter.

Photography by Briana Lindsey Photography