Jenn Hallak

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Your Friday dose of adorable...

A couple of weeks back, we got three babies together for a little Kambia Kids photoshoot at Hubble Studio and gahhh I don't think I've ever seen something more adorable in my life. Seriously, you guys. Three babies all in one place, just being babies.

Cutest ever, right?

We let them all just do their thing because...well...getting three curious + outgoing babies to all stand (or sit) in one place is impossible. Literally impossible. Okay, who am I kidding, they're all toddlers now which basically makes them little adults but in my eyes, they'll be babies forever.

Oh yeah, and Kambia Kids just launched their newest line this week and let me just say, you're going to want to head over to their and take a peek. Just saying...

Here are all of the deets of the photoshoot:
- Clothes: Kambia Kids
- Fur Hats: Tenth & Pine
- Itty Bitty Purse: Ju-Ju-Be
- Models: Ava (duh), Oliver (you know him, he's Briana Lindsey Photography's son) + Ezra (Tenth & Pine's daughter)
- Photos: Briana Lindsey Photography

Anyways, scroll on down for your daily dose of oh-so-adorable, have a relaxing Friday night and a joy-filled weekend :)