Jenn Hallak

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Dear Miss Ava Sue, On Your 2nd Birthday....

On March 14, 2016 at 8:17am the most precious, beautiful, lovely little girl came into this world and instantly, she took over my entire world. 7lbs 8oz of pure love was placed into my arms and all I could do was stare in awe of what I had just been given.

Miss Ava Sue,

You're the most amazing gift I've ever received, the most beautiful, loving, happy, smart and spunky little girl and I will be forever thankful for you.

Two years ago, at the exact moment I am writing this, I was lying in a hospital bed, happy as can be -- thank you successful epidural and thank you super short 5 hour labor. We were cracking jokes and we were giddy with excitement, your daddy and I, just patiently awaiting my doctor's arrival so I could meet you because...well...she was stuck in traffic.

And then, I finally had you in my arms and my life was complete. You were everything I had every imagined and more and you still are to this day. You never cease to amaze me.

You've made such an amazing impact on so many lives already. At just two years old, you've already received more Happy Birthday texts by 8am than I receive in an entire day on my birthday. And that's just how special you are. You mean the world to so many people and don't ever forget that.

There are days when you're just too smart for your own good (and far too smart for this mama of yours too) but that's just all part of this beautiful journey we're on together and is such a wonderful part of your little personality that I cannot wait to continue to see grow.

On your two year old birthday...

These are just some of the things you love:

- YouTube (as my eyes roll)
- Minnie Mouse
- Babies (you take care of your baby and rock her and comfort her when she "cries" and it's the sweetest thing to watch)
- My Little Pony (the itty bitty figurines, but you're not a fan of the movie)
- Nemo (especially the ride at Disneyland)
- Dogs (literally all dogs make you giddy with excitement and that's why we're inviting some puppies over to come play with you at your birthday party)
- Chocolate (you ask for it daily, just like your mama)
- Monsters Inc (you could watch that movie 34 times a day if I let you)
- You love kissing mommy and daddy's cheeks and noses
- You love your bubba, love hugging his big neck tight and playing fetch with him
- Doc McStuffins (you have to wear your Doc diapers every single time)
- You love the park and the playground
- You love when daddy "run run runs"
in the backyard while he's holding you
- Coloring (and you actually know how to hold pens correctly, which still blows my mind)
- Stickers, stickers and more stickers
- The "Ill love you forever" book
- Starbucks (duh! Just like mama)

Things you don't like:

- Being dirty (you're the cleanest little kid I've ever met, don't like when Baxter licks you, don't like when something spills or if there are crumbs or trash on the ground, and can't stand when lollipops change the color of your lips)
- Going to sleep, naps and night time included. (you totally have FOMO, and I'm hoping you grow out of this soon)
- Car Rides ( I roll my eyes)

Things You Say:

I'm convinced you know every word that exists because every single day you'll say at least 5 new words and it blows my mind every single time. You can say couple word phrases...okay, one phrase and it's the best phrase ever -- "I love you mama/dada/bubba/baby" That happened this week and I just can't get enough of it.

You randomly will come up to me throughout the day and give me the biggest hugs ever and then go about your day...and it makes me the happiest mama in the world. You drive me nuts more times than I can count but it's all worth the love you give to me and the happiness and light you bring into my life.

Ava Sue,

You've got so many years ahead of you -- wonderful, beautiful, loving years await your arrival. And as I sit here bawling my eyes out, just know that I'm crying happy tears. Watching you grow is just so bitter sweet and I cannot wait to watch you blossom into a young lady and one day, a mama like me. I can't wait to see the direction you take your life, the accomplishments you achieve, and all of the wonderful highlights God has in store for you and for us. And as your mommy, I promise I will always been there to support you and encourage you and will be your biggest fan for as long as I live, no matter what life throws our way.

Happy Pi Day, baby girl. Happy 2nd, angel. Happy best day of my life, Miss Ava Sue.

I'll love you forever. I'll like you for always. As long as I'm living my baby you'll be.