Jenn Hallak

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Bite-Sized Blobs of Delicious Goodness

Every Christmas for as long as I can remember, my mom made these delicious balls of sweet goodness. She'd made a huge batch to bring with us on Christmas Day -- A secret stash for my Auntie Sally, a very very large batch for us to eat that evening after Christmas dinner and of course, an even larger stash to save for us at home.

And these little blobs of goodness were a tradition I (and everyone, for that matter) looked forward to each and every year.

After I got married and started spending Thanksgiving with my husband's family every year, I brought these desserts with me and everyone was hooked, especially Uncle John. We'd eat dozens of these until our bellies couldn't fit any more and then wait an hour to sneak in some more.

No joke, they're THAT delicious. (see photo to the right --->)

This year will be our ninth year without my mom here celebrating Christmas with us. It'll be the 9th year she isn't here to make my favorite holiday tradition desserts but that's never ever stopped us. Typically my sister Licia makes them and this year, I've already made them twice. Yes twice and it's only December 12th.

And to this day, they've transformed a bit (they used to be pretty balls but now they're more like...blobs) but they're still as delicious as ever, easy to make (luckily) and such a fun tradition we've kept to bring our mom into our Christmas traditions every single year, even though she's not here with us.

This year I'm sharing them with all of you and let me tell you, they're going to be a new holiday tradition you'll never be able to let go of.

So here they are:

The Lundgren Blobs of Bite-Sized Goodness

- peanut butter
- chocolate chips
- powdered sugar


1. Mix one cup of peanut butter and one cup of powdered sugar together in a big bowl. It'll get hard to mix so you may need to use your hands! Oh yeah, and don't forget to taste-test, for quality control of course!

2. Melt chocolate chips in the microwave until fully liquid.

3. Place bite-sized spoonfuls of the peanut butter and powdered sugar mixture in rows on Reynolds Parchment Paper with SmartGrid. (And if you order from, you can get it in bulk delivered to your doorstep. You're going to need bulk for these!)

4. Pour a spoonful of chocolate on each (and eat some chocolate while you're at it).

5. Freeze! Before eating, place them in room temperature for about 10 minutes and enjoy!