Jenn Hallak

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Family Disneyland Outfits at Halloween

So this year we decided to bring the kids to Disneyland during Halloween time for Hayes’ 3rd birthday! We had everything planned out for the week of his birthday which just so happened to fall a few days after he turned three and then it hit me — Disneyland is free for anyone under three. So we quickly moved our dates to the week before his birthday so we could get one last free trip in for him but still, it’ll technically be his big birthday gift this year and a surprise for the rest of the kids too!

First thing’s first — family Disneyland outfits. DUH!

We’re going for two days and of course I needed some mommy and me Disneyland outfits so I went straight to Etsy to snag some fun things to wear!

Disneyland Family Outfit #1

Franky is currently pirate obsessed so gosh I cannot wait for him to ride Pirates of the Caribbean. He’s ridden it before but it’s been a while and he didn’t have this obsession at the time so I can imagine this time around will be pretty epic. And so because of that, we have mommy and me Pirates of the Caribbean shirts, some godl sequin Minnie Mouse ears for Ava and me and then some cute Mickey hats for the boys!

Disneyland Family Outfit #2

For our second family Disnelyand outfits I decided to go full Halloween at Disneyland and get these cute traditional Disney shirts for all of us, each with different characters on them… Halloween style. This cute Etsy shop had so many characters to choose from which I thought was so fun! And then I snagged me and Ava some Halloween themed Minnie Mouse ears and the boys some Halloween Mickey ears. Oh and I can’t forget Ava’s adorable Disneyland skirt - adorable right??

Disneyland Family Outfit #3

And then the last outfit I have planned for us is for the travel day - the flight there. I found these adorable kids Mickey Mouse sweatsuits so while I won’t be matching them (they didn’t have adult sizes), they were just too darling to pass up. And inexpensive too!

The day we fly back home we’re doing to a character brunch and I don’t have those outfits planned out yet but I guess I should get on that ;)

Update: Here’s what they wore to the Character brunch - Ava in Taylor Joelle Designs and I linked the boys’ outfits and all the Minnie Mouse and Mickey Mouse ears!