Jenn Hallak

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Franky | EIGHT Months Old

Welp, I’ve had Franky’s 7-month blog update on my to do list for… well… a month now and yesterday, he turned 8 months old. So looks like we’re combining 7 and 8 months today because I’m lost as to what happened when.

Still only the 4 teeth that he got at 5 months and still only standing while holding things BUT we’ve got some pretty cute milestone updates:

  • We finally discovered a food he doesn’t like — first food ever. CARROTS.

  •  Can stand up against walls now and has stood up for a good 30-45 minutes with those strong legs (while eating, of course)

  • Says “mama” only while crying for me but I’m pretty positive it’s not the real deal

  • He can “high five” on command which is the cutest thing ever AND makes him giggle so hard

  • He started “real” crawling and the inchworm crawl he did for so long is only an occasional thing now (tear)

  • And the day before he turned 8 months he learned how to clap — talk about adorable!

That’s all for now on the updates!

Head over to our Instagram page for our monthly Tenth & Pine giveaway
and click here to shop all of these adorable onesies we use for his monthly updates!

SEVEN Months

EIGHT Months