Jenn Hallak

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Fresh Little Love | Consciously-Curated Baby Clothing Subscription Box

Sponsored with love by Fresh Little Love

There are three things I've realized about baby clothes since being a mom:

1. Babies grow out of clothes SO FAST.
2. Babies stain clothes ALL OF THE TIME.
3. I LOVE baby clothes.

Okay mostly #3 (because who doesn't?) but number 1 and 2 are incredibly true, as you all know.

This week we had the chance to try out Fresh Little Love which is a baby clothing subscription box for ages 0-2 and we are so in love -- one box every three month with 6-8 items sent to your door step (major woohoo!) and they changes your sizes as your baby grows.

I'll be totally honest - subscription boxes scare me. What if I don't like the items that come inside? That's always been my biggest fear but Fresh Little Love totally outdid themselves. I was blown away by all of the amazing items that came in our box!

For one, we loved every single item. Ava is totally going to wear these clothes to the ground because they are all so incredibly adorable. Every single item.

Second, there was such a great variety in there -- three bows, a sweatshirt (which is officially my favorite sweatshirt of Ava's), a dress, a romper, bloomers, leggings and a shirt.

And third, the items actually went together! That's right, I was actually able to create adorable, full outfits with the items inside which means I don't have to go out and spend even more money on clothes to match with these clothes. Because that would be pretty annoying, right?

It was super fun to get surprise items right at our Christmas morning and we didn't even have to leave our house! I know that's a major mom plus, right there.

Enough from me, I'll let you do a little browsing to see all of the cute items we got in our box this month and don't forget to order your box by the April 5th cut off date so you don't miss out on the Spring box! And lucky you, we've got a $45 OFF code below just for you :)