Jenn Hallak

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Sponsored with love, by Luv.It

I used to babysit for a family who ordered everything online...Amazon box after Amazon box after Amazon box, every single day. Even their groceries were from Amazon and I always knew that I would never be "that" mom. When I had kids, I'd want to get out of the house like a "normal" human being and run my errands just like the rest of the world.

And then Ava came along.

You know it's funny, everything I said I wouldn't do as a parent, I totally do. It's one of those "you don't know until you know" situations and oh man has my view on errands and shopping changed. I can proudly say that although I still head out to Trader Joe's when we need groceries (but only when we like really really need groceries), I'm an Amazon prime fanatic. And when it comes time to buy a birthday present or bridal shower gift or Christmas presents, I'm all for purchasing online.

Things change when your a mom and getting out of the house to shop just isn't as easy as 1, 2, 3 anymore and that's exactly why I've fallen in love with the new Luv.It app!

I always tell my husband that I still need to figure out my "mom style" and over and over he reminds me that I can still keep the style I had before I was a mom. Because why not? If that's my style and that's what I love, why start from square one? And it's totally the truth! We can splurge on a new purse and we can totally keep up with the newest fashion trends even though we're moms and Luv.It has totally made that possible! And I love it (pun intended).

And it even gets better:

When you shop on Luv.It you even get cash back on the items you've purchased and on the items you've influenced others to purchase just by showing that item some Luv. AND you can even get that shopping done with a sleeping baby on your lap :)

Doesn't get much better than that, does it?

It's super easy to use AND they've got over 70 brands (and adding new ones every week!). You can join their wait list to test out the app even before it launches and don't forget to follow me @jennhallak -- I've put together some mommy and daddy fashion inspiration boards to help bring your fashion mojo back after baby, just in case you need a little push to bring back that fashion sense.

You mean a tank top and pajama shorts aren't a fashion trend? Nope. Get your fashion back with Luv.It and believe me, you'll feel like a million bucks!