Jenn Hallak

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Postpartum Hair Loss | 7 Things you probably didn't know.

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone.
#SchwarzkopfGliss #blissofGliss #CollectiveBias

No one told me I'd lose my hair. No one.

We went to every baby class available and no one said a word. They prepared us for everything pre-birth, during birth and after birth and nothing hair-related was ever mentioned. No mom, no doctor, no one mentioned post postpartum hair loss so at around five months after Ava was born, I was a bit terrified when my hair suddenly started falling out.

I remember waking up one morning and there was so much hair on my pillow. I "shed" a lot as it is so it wasn't too alarming at first but as we got in the car and headed to where we were going that day and a clump of hair came out in my hand, I did what any mom would do...

I googled.  I googled and immediately found what I was looking for.

It was post postpartum hair loss.

I texted my friends and my hair dresser and it was all confirmed. And actually, it was far more common than I had realized. 

Ava is almost two years old now (I know, I can't believe it!) and my hair has finally grown back along my hair line to be long enough to reach a ponytail (woohoo!). And so, I'm definitely doing everything in my power to strengthen my hair now to keep it happy and healthy, something I literally never have paid attention to before now.

And the key? A hair care system that works to repair and strengthen your hair. Key word: system.

I headed to my local CVS and tried out GLISS® Hair Repair™ products -- Schwarzkopf Gliss™ Ultimate Repair Shampoo, Schwarzkopf Gliss™ Ultimate Repair Conditioner, Schwarzkopf Gliss™ Ultimate Repair Anti-Damage Mask + Schwarzkopf Gliss™ Ultimate Repair Express Repair Conditioner.

Hair loses Keratin over time and GLISS Ultimate Repair replaces that lost Keratin to help it re-gain strength and smoothness, repairing up to 10 layers deep. GLISS is an everyday shampoo, not just for when hair is damaged but for long term and every day use providing color protection, intense hydration, long-lasting volume, and weightless nourishment. And that is why GLISS Ultimate Repair won the Allure Best of Beauty Award - best shampoo & conditioner for damaged hair.

You hair gets damages with hair coloring and hot irons but I bed you didn't know this...

7 ways you're damaging your hair every day:

1. Water -- Salt water and chlorinated water are the worst on your hair but there are other offenders too! Keeping your hair wet too long causes your hair to swell and break and every single time you wet your hair, your fades.

2. Brushing -- Brushing creates mechanical damage to your hair so you better think twice before brushing it constantly. Be gentle and invest in a great brush!

3. Twirling -- If you know me, you know I am the worst offender of this! Dirt from your hands makes it heavy and constant touching causes breakage. Bet you never thought of that, did you? I sure didn't and it's time to break that habit!

4. Hair Accessories -- Headbands, pins, clips and even your typical elastic hairbands snag and cause breakage so the best way to take them our is to spray on some Schwarzkopf Gliss™ Ultimate Repair Express Repair Conditioner to help the band slide right off while also repairing some of that damage at the same time.

5. Purses + Diaper Bags -- Crazy if you think about it, right? If your hair is constantly getting trapped underneath the straps of your bags, it causes wear and tear and split ends daily.

6. Your Pillow -- If that pillowcase is rough on your hair then you guessed it, it's damaging your hair every single night for an entire 8 hour stretch. Try out a silk pillow so it's smoother on your hair and reduces frizz.

7. Your Hairstyle -- If you are constantly wearing the same hairstyle (mom bun, anyone?) then your hair will begin to break around the edges. So switch it up a little and have some fun!

Moral of the story: Your hair is being damaged every single day, on top of postpartum hair loss. So treat your hair like you treat your skin. It makes a world of a difference.