Jenn Hallak

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Hayes' 2nd Birthday

My baby boy is TWO and in just a couple of weeks or less, he’ll no longer be the baby in the family. Hayes is going to be a big brother and I seriously cannot believe it. *cue the tears*

We got Haysie a few of his favorite things for his birthday and it was the cutest thing to watch:

  • A “shovel truck” - He opened it and immediately said “Is this Landon’s shovel truck?” Landon is his little bestie and neighbor who also loves trucks!

  • A Scooter because he is epic-ly good at scooters and only the big kids had them before. And he made sure to put on his new helmet before trying it out…safety first!

  • Cowboy Boots: And now this mama never has to hear the boys fight over who is going to wear Franky’s cowboy boots that they both love so much. He hasn’t taken his off since he opened them and itty bitty cowboy boots have got to be one of the cutest things in life.

And this afternoon we’re making him a “shovel truck” birthday cake aka I bought a cake from the grocery store and we’re crushing up oreos as “dirt” and throwing a mini truck on top to scoop it all up.

Oh and the cutest thing — He keeps telling us he’s “three and a half” because Franky is. They love each other so dang much and I hope that never ever changes. Gosh I love these kiddos more than I could ever explain.

Happy Birthday, my sweet boy!