Jenn Hallak

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Hayes' Wardrobe | Small Shop Baby Clothes Round-Up

I’m having a baby NEXT MONTH! Like what?! How the heck did time fly that fast? This is (by far) the quickest pregnancy so far and I’d imagine it has to do with being so incredibly busy around here — starting a new business (@shopavasue), having two kids here at home, homeschooling for the first time and you know, all of the busyness of every day life! Well let’s just say, I’m not complaining because I cannot WAIT to see that sweet little face :)

 Hayes’ wardrobe is all set for his arrival and of course, we shopped all small shops because they’re our favorite. We focused on gender-neutral baby clothes and lots of earthy tones and most of his wardrobe is filled with Fall and Winter baby clothes so we’re set for the first 6 months or so! Until I see more cute baby clothes I love and have to snag more, of course ;)

 So here’s a little round up of Hayes’ newborn baby boy clothes and the small shops we shopped from to complete his oh-so-adorable wardrobe.  And of course, we snagged lots of small shop discount codes for ya too!