Jenn Hallak

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NAPPING IN THE CRIB | No thank you!

Ava has been a great sleeper from literally day one. And better yet, she has slept in her own crib in her own room every night since the day we got home from the hospital. Although sheis going through a bit of a sleep regression right now, she still takes three naps each day and sleeps 9-10 hours at night. Needless to say, I am a pretty lucky mama.

So while she seems to be very "sleep trained" from the sounds of it, there is one thing that we just haven't mastered yet. Well, we haven't even started to master it, probably due to the fact that I haven't given it much of an effort.

We haven't mastered napping.

Yes, I know I mentioned that she takes three naps during the day but guess where they all are?

Right here on my chest.

And I love every second of it.

When I tell people that she naps on me three times a day, every single day, the reaction I get is typically shock.

"You mean you NEVER get a break during the day?" "How do you get any work done??"

With a water bottle, my cell phone and my cell phone charger sitting within arms reach and my laptop right on my lap (because that's what the purpose of a laptop is, right?), she nurses and drifts off to each nap right here in my arms.

And I manage to get my work done just fine!

And then the next question comes - "Are you ever going to try to get her to nap in her crib? Your life would change!"

"Yes, of course. One day!"

And secretly, that "one day" I am speaking of is the day when she no longer wants to nap in my arms. I know it seems like an eternity but I know that one day I will no longer get to hold her as she drifts off to sleep. One day I won't get to stare at that precious angelic face for an hour just because I want to. One day she will be all grown up and won't want to nap in my arms...let alone being small enough to nap in my arms.

So for now, I'll manage with a laptop on my lap if it means I get to snuggle with my beautiful baby girl three times a day, every single day. I'll definitely make it work if it means I get to just sit there and stare at the most precious little girl I have ever seen.

Ava won't be napping in her crib any time soon and I am perfectly fine with that.