Jenn Hallak

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For the seasoned mommy, this may seem a bit silly but as a first time mom I had no clue whatsoever about diaper rashes. And apparently, Ava's got some sensitive skin because within a week of being born she already had diaper rash. And it was BAD. Okay, I have nothing to compare it to but it seemed bad to me.

I know that we needed cream to get rid of it (we used Desitin) but what would prevent her from getting a rash in the future? We would change her diaper less than a minute after she relieved herself and still, the rash would come back.

And then I finally discovered that some wipes are just water. Who knew? Admittedly, the idea of wiping her with only water grossed me out. And then I realized that adults wipe with less than that so it wasn't gross at all!

We tried Huggies Natural Care wipes and they worked like a charm. Yes, she's gotten a slight red bottom here and there but nothing even close to a diaper rash since we switched. Voila!

(click on the image and it'll take you to where we purchase them on Amazon)

So for all of the mommies out there who are struggling with the red bottom, give it a try!

Any other mommies have good tips for preventing diaper rash? Comment below!