Jenn Hallak

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I want to be just like you, Miss Ava Sue.

"You'll need to teach her right from wrong and show her how to live life to the fullest," they said. "You'll need to lead by example, focus her eyes toward God always and raise her to be just like you." I think they were wrong when they told me what parenting was all about because in reality, she's the one doing all of the teaching.

I want to be just like you, Miss Ava Sue.

I want to laugh, big belly laughs at all of the little things adults find not so funny. I want to smile as you smile from a simple game of peek-a-boo behind my hands.

I want to find joy in literal dirt. Because that makes you happier than ever and I want to experience the pure, unforgettable happiness in even the smallest, seemingly insignificant things.

I want to wake up with a smile, every single morning and in fact, smile in my sleep as you do daily.

I want to forgive and forget as easily as you. No matter how hard you scream + how mad you are at daddy when he swoops you up for bed, you forgive and you forget. And within just minutes you're snuggled in his arms with all of the love in the world for him.

I want to love unconditionally, love the people around me no matter who they are, just a God tells us to love our neighbors. Within 10 seconds of meeting someone, you're their new best friend...with lots of hugs and kisses to go around.

I want to dance like nobody's watching just because it makes me happy. And I want to do that with no fear and no shame.

I want to keep a joyful spirit no matter how terrible the day has gone so far. Because your eyes are always looking to the future without a care in the world for what has happened in the past. I want to do that. I want to do that just like you.

I want to be spontaneous and adventurous no matter where we are and what we're doing. Because even a two hour line at the DMV is fun for my little girl.

Our experiences are what we make of them and you clearly understand that far better than I. Oh, to be a kid again and to live fully, colorfully and joyfully always. I want to be like that. I want to live like that always. I want to be just like you, Ava Sue. I'll lead you and I'll teach you and I'll tell you what I know, but be just like you are right now, forever and ever, and I'll always be the one looking up to you.