Jenn Hallak

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10 Ways We Use Our DockATot

I get this question all the time:

"So I can tell that you love your DockATot but is that DockATot worth the money?"


"Why does the Dockatot work anyways?"

You see, that's a pretty loaded question because of course, there are a whole lot of factors that go into it -- how well your baby sleeps, what you're planning on using it for, etc. But to answer your question, yes, it's worth it.

First of all, the Dockatot works because it mimics the coziness of a parent snuggling around the child. Ever wonder why your child sleeps just fine next to you, in your cove, or in your arms? It's a comfort thing and that's exactly how the Dockatot works. Those cushions on the sides give the baby comfort and support, the feeling of a parent snuggling right up next to them. And voila! Your baby sleeps better at night and during nap time!

If you aren't sold and aren't too sure it's necessary because your child sleeps through the night anyways, I'll bet you I can find a great use for the DockATot in addition to sleep. So here are 10 ways we use our DockATot:

- Co-sleeping safely
- Worry relief for parents because it's breathable!
- A dog bed (Baxter sure does get a lot of use out of ours!)
- For camping or hotel rooms + travel (I don't know about you but the cribs hotels provide kind of gross me out)
- A make-believe boat or car (because imaginations help kids have fun)
- Movie night comfort for the parents (we have all hard wood floor so this is huge!)
- Nap time when we're eating dinner outside (we bring the DockATot outside with us and Ava sleeps right there next to the table)
- Sleeping better + sleeping longer
- Nap time in bed with mama (I don't have to worry about her rolling off)
- A nice comfy back rest for daddy to work on his laptop in bed

I think you get the picture ;)

Whether you're using the DockATot to help your kids sleep or nap or even just sleep longer, there are plenty of other uses too. We don't go a day without using ours!