Jenn Hallak

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The Oliver + Ava Show | Penguins On A Christmas Tree Farm

Sponsored with love by Marks & Spencer + Shopping Links
Photos by Briana Lindsey Photography

If you haven't already caught onto the trend we started back in October, I'll tell you all about it...

Back in October, we took photos of Ava and Oliver at the pumpkin patch in the most adorable little fuzzy bear costumes. In November we took the cutest little baby fox costume photos in the forest of the two of them and it's December so you know what that means?

It's time for your monthly dose of Oliver + Ava.

And this month I present to you:

Two baby penguins on a Christmas tree farm.

These darling kids penguin snowsuits are from Marks & Spencer and just in case you just need these little snowsuits for your baby, click here for the link!