Jenn Hallak

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My Top 2 Tips for New Moms

I’m almost 3 weeks into have three kids (still makes me giddy when I say that out loud!) and yes, I’m still currently in the honeymoon stage. My dad left this week after staying with us for 2 weeks (which was AMAZING by the way) and we’ve started to settle into our routine — work, ISR every day, homeschooling + play dates are our life. Oh... and a lot of breastfeeding, of course!

Our nights have been sleepless (both of the other kids slept well so this is all new for us) but honestly, I’m so so happy. Give me a week and I’m sure I won’t be too happy about those sleepless nights but right now, I just stare in awe of what we created and this gift we were given. I’m SO lucky! 

So that’s a quick little update on life with three kids so far so now I’m here to give you a little (unsolicited) advice.

My Best Advice for New Moms

Since Franky was a baby, I’ve said this and it’s worked wonders so I’m gonna say it again.


1. Get ready.

 ...even if you have nowhere to go.

 It’s as simple as that... or not so simple, actually, but has made a world of a difference in my life and is something I’ve continued to do with Hayes as well.

 Get ready every single morning and I promise that: 

  1. you’ll feel better every single day and

  2. You’ll be more productive.

 Some days getting ready may mean mascara, some days it mean throwing on some real clothes and some days doing your hair or even doing all of the above may be what you prefer but for me, when I get ready I feel great and I accomplish so much more! Some days Hayes is crying and Franky is throwing a fit while I spend 5 minutes on myself but I promise, it’s so so worth it.

2. Buy yourself a pair of “postpartum jeans.”

I did this with Franky and my goodness, it was one of the best things I could’ve done. Every single time you see me wearing jeans recently, I’m wearing that one pair of “postpartum jeans” I bought after Franky was born. They’re 3 sizes bigger than my regular size but they’re comfortable and they can button. And you know what? That makes me feel great!

So many of you have said “oh my gosh you’re already back in your jeans?” Nope. I’m not. I’m in my one and only pair of postpartum jeans and it makes me feel like a million bucks. No one wants to have to squeeze into uncomfortable tiny jeans and I’ll be honest, in the months post-baby, I always feel a bit of “hating my body” for lack of a better term. 

So there you have it, my best advice for new moms and the advice  I recommend for all moms, actually. Take it or leave it!