Jenn Hallak

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Mommy and Me Outfits | Black + White Stripes

Ready for some more mommy and me clothes??

Today was a great day. We slept in, stayed in bed until 9am, headed to Home Depot to pick out some goodies for our summer garden — strawberries, flowers and some greens — and came home to plant our garden. Gardening is one thing I absolutely LOVE to do with Ava because letting her choose the flowers she wants and then seeing her discover that her strawberries have grown and ripened is the most fulfilling and beautiful experience. And heck, me actually keeping those plants alive long enough for them to grow strawberries is a miracle in an of itself. (It’s all Ava, she’s the one who reminds me to water them daily)

The sun is shining, we’re all smiles and today was a great Wednesday and I hope yours was too.

None of us got dressed today — I’m wearing the same leggings I wore yesterday, Ava’s got on underwear and Franky’s got a tee on with no pants — so don’t you think that makes for the perfect day to show off some mommy and me fashion? I think so! (Don’t worry, these matching mommy and son outfits are from last weekend — I’ll spare you today’s OOTDs)

So before I link our mommy and me clothes for ya, just a reminder that we’re giving away more JuJuBe on Instagram tonight and today is one that was requested by so many of you — the Be Set in Plum vegan leather. So head over to Instagram to enter to win the entire set tonight!

Here are the links to our outfits,
if you want to add them to your own
mommy and me wardrobe:

Mommy + Me Dresses
JuJuBe Plum Be Set
Franky’s Striped Baby Beanie
Ava’s Black Turbon Headwraps
White Women’s Sneakers | White Toddler Sneakers