Jenn Hallak

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Kids Small Shop Fashion Guide | Day 9

Happy Day of love! Well, every day should be a day of love but today is extra special because of all the chocolate we get to eat while not feeling guilty about it. Oh wait, I’m pregnant so I can eat chocolate every day of the week and not feel gu8ilty about it. That’s how it works, right?

Either way, we love you all for being there to support this blog of mine that has turned into my career, for supporting our family and for all of the love you’ve shown us through the years. We cannot thank you enough for that and if you’re reading this, we love you a million times over.

Of course we couldn’t pass this special day buy without a super cute kids Valentine’s Day Outfit is almost too cute to handle. And I mean, they kids can totally wear this any day of the week too so cheers to that! Shop our Day 9 Kids Small Shop Fashion Guide at the links below and scroll on down to the bottom to follow these amazing shops over on Instagram!

Happy Valentine’s Day!!

Check out these small shops on Instagram!