Jenn Hallak

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OOTW | Matching Mommy + Me Outfits

Any Sandlot lovers, here?

Funny story. Well...funny is the wrong word so I guess...story time?

Growing up, we didn't watch very much TV. We didn't have cable so rarely watched shows on TV (unless they were on channels 2, 5 or 7) and we watched movies but apparently we just watched the same movies over and over and over (in typical kid fashion).

When I first started dating Frank, we somehow got onto the topic of The Sandlot and I had never seen it. He was in shock. Absolute shock. I think he may have even considered dumping me right then and there because I hadn't seen one of his favorite childhood movies. And then I met his sister and the same topic came up and she, too, was in disbelief that I hadn't seen this classic. Clearly something was wrong with this girl her brother was dating.

Long story short, I've finally seen The Sandlot and I am no longer that crazy girl who hasn't seen the best movie of all time.

And the purpose of this story?

You know I'll never miss a chance to get the cutest mommy and me clothes and you're going to squeal with excitement when you see our outfit of the week. You guessed it:

Mommy + Me PF Flyers High Tops

I know, we're adorable. Not only do we have matching mommy and me shoes, but we've got matching mommy and me dresses AND matching mommy and me kimonos too - just some super cute kids clothes, if you ask me. We're the cutest ever...just saying ;)

If you want to shop our looks, just click the button links below so you can be as cute as we are.
(And if you have no clue how these outfits have anything to do with The Sandlot, you'll just have to watch the movie)

[Use CODE: LASTCALL for 25% PF Flyers Sale Styles 5/25-5/28]

Photos by Briana Lindsey Photography