Jenn Hallak

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OOTW | Mommy + Me Overalls...yes please!

Look, you guys, we finally got dressed (did you see Ava's super cute kids outfit yesterday?) After two weeks of potty training we are leaving the house with our big girl and we're going to need a lot of luck on this one. We went to Disneyland last week after a great week of potty training success but then after this week, I'm not so sure this is the best decision. But we've been cooped up for far too long so we deserve this, right? Right.

Can anyone guess what we're doing?

If you already saw my Instagram post then you're cheating if you guess now. But anyhow, we're taking Ava to her first movie theater experience!! What age do you think is old enough to take a kid to the movies? For us, it's age 2 and it's going down tonight! Woohoo! This weekend at Disneyland we got a sneak preview of Incredibles 2 and Ava loved. She sat there in the theater like such a big girl so I think tonight is going to be a great, fun success! The peeing part, on the other hand, may turn out terrible. But we shall see.

Enough talking for now and let's get to why you really came over to the blog today -- our outfit of the week! We're rocking mommy and me overalls (shorts style since its 85 degrees here), matching mommy + me headscarves (duh!), super cute kids sandals, my favorite knot sandals and you know, just our typical casual day attire!

If you see any cute kids clothes you just have to have,
I linked it all below (just click on those buttons):

Photos by Briana Lindsey Photography