Jenn Hallak

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My love for you is not the same.

Anyone else feel like your love for each of your kids is totally different? I almost felt guilty about this feeling I was having until one of my sweet mama followers commented on one of my posts last week and described it so perfectly. And so, I’m sharing this for those of you who may feel the same way as I do, so you know you’re not alone — so you know that these different kinds of love are perfectly normal and perfectly perfect, each in their own way ♥

My love for Ava is like a “love at first sight” kind of love. From the second that doctor put her on my chest, I had this deep deep love for her and my heart was completely full in an instant.

Now with Franky, I had a totally different experience.

When Franky was first born, I didn’t feel the love at first sight kind of love I felt with Ava. Like, what was wrong with me? How could I not love him like that? That was the ONLY way I could love my child. Of course I loved him with all of my heart from the second I held him (Do I even need to say that?). Well, from the second I found out I was pregnant I loved him deeply — so deeply. But with him, I feel like my love just keeps growing more and more with time. Every day I love him so much more deeply than the day before. It’s like your “traditional relationship” kind of love.

Just like some relationships are love at first sight and some grow stronger with time, does that make one relationship better than the other?

Nope, it sure doesn’t.

Both kinds of relationships are perfect just the way they are and both are just as beautiful as the next, beautiful in their own way. And as my babies continue to grow and my unique relationship with each of them continues to develop over the years, I hope that I’ll remember this and remember how different every one of our kids truly is. They’re unique and they’re special and they each have their strengths and their weaknesses and I cannot parent my first little girl the same way I parent my baby boy. Each of my babies is a unique individual, just like my love for Ava + Franky is special and different in its own perfect way. And I just love that ♥